BAE Systems Wins £65m Swedish All-Terrain Vehicle Contract

ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK, Swe­den – BAE Sys­tems has been award­ed a con­tract from the Swedish Defence Materiel Admin­is­tra­tion, FMV, to sup­ply 48 of its go-any­where BvS10 armored all-ter­rain vehi­cles and an exten­sive ini­tial sup­port pack­age.

The con­tract fol­lows the down-select of the BvS10 on 5 Jan and is worth £65m ($100m). It pro­vides options for an addi­tion­al 127 vehi­cles and an even more com­pre­hen­sive sus­tain­ment pack­age which could include in-the­atre sup­port. This would more than triple the over­all value. 

The BvS10 was select­ed for the pro­gram fol­low­ing a com­pe­ti­tion launched in June 2011. Con­tract-spe­cif­ic fea­tures include enhanced crew ergonom­ics and pro­tec­tion, inte­gra­tion of the Pro­tec­tor remote weapon sta­tion, radio and bat­tle­field man­age­ment sys­tems. Smoke grenade launch­ers will also be fit­ted to give 360 degrees cov­er­age around the vehicle. 

”We made an over­all assess­ment of the two com­pet­ing vehi­cles’ per­for­mance, price, life sup­port costs and also assessed the bid­ders’ abil­i­ty to deliv­er in accor­dance with the require­ments,” said Brigadier Gen­er­al Anders Carell, Head of FMV’s land sys­tems pro­cure­ment com­mand. “The out­come of our assess­ment was very clear­ly in favor of BAE Sys­tems and BvS10.” 

The 48 BvS10s will be deliv­ered in troop car­ri­er, com­mand vehi­cle, ambu­lance and logis­tic car­ri­er vari­ants. They will be man­u­fac­tured in the new­ly-refur­bished pro­duc­tion facil­i­ty in Örn­sköldsvik with first deliv­er­ies in Octo­ber 2012 and the final vehi­cle to be deliv­ered in Novem­ber 2013. 

“The con­tract from FMV is fur­ther proof of the supe­ri­or capa­bil­i­ties that the ver­sa­tile BvS10 pro­vides,” says BAE Sys­tems Vehi­cles’ Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Jan Söder­ström. “Thanks to our recent­ly refur­bished man­u­fac­tur­ing plant, we can pro­vide the BvS10 with­in a short deliv­ery time frame and at a very com­pet­i­tive price. This will now pro­vide the Swedish Armed Forces with an ide­al com­bi­na­tion of mobil­i­ty and protection.” 

Swe­den will join the UK, the Nether­lands and France in oper­at­ing the BvS10. More than 10,000 of the ear­li­er, small­er BV206 fam­i­ly of vehi­cles have been sold around the world. 

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion, please con­tact:
Mike Sweeney, BAE Sys­tems
Tel: +44 (0)780 171 6452

BAE Systems 

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