BAE Systems Delivers First U.S. Navy Submarine Propulsor

BAE Sys­tems Deliv­ers First U.S. Navy Sub­ma­rine Propul­sor from Louisville Facil­i­ty, Receives Addi­tion­al $24.3 Mil­lion Con­tract
LOUISVILLE, Ken­tucky – BAE Sys­tems recent­ly deliv­ered its first Louisville-pro­duced sub­ma­rine propul­sion sys­tem to the U.S. Navy. The propul­sor will be inte­grat­ed in the U.S. Navy Vir­ginia class sub­ma­rine, USS John Warn­er.

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This deliv­ery is an impor­tant step in strength­en­ing BAE Sys­tems’ Naval Man­u­fac­tur­ing Cen­ter of Excel­lence in Louisville, Ky., fol­low­ing its move from Min­neapo­lis last year. 

BAE Sys­tems also received a $24.3 mil­lion firm-fixed price con­tract for its Vir­ginia Class Propul­sor Pro­gram from the Naval Sea Sys­tems Com­mand (NAVSEA) to con­tin­ue build­ing key com­po­nents of the fixed propul­sor sys­tem on Vir­ginia class submarines. 

“This deliv­ery and con­tract award con­tin­ues BAE Sys­tems’ lega­cy as a pre­mier sup­pli­er of propul­sors to the Navy’s under­sea fleet, and marks a sig­nif­i­cant achieve­ment for our Louisville com­mu­ni­ty and Navy cus­tomer,” said Mark Sig­norel­li, vice pres­i­dent and gen­er­al man­ag­er of Weapon Sys­tems for BAE Systems. 

Last year, BAE Sys­tems began man­u­fac­tur­ing propul­sors at its Louisville facil­i­ty, bring­ing the work clos­er to the U.S. Navy cus­tomer and more jobs to the region. By the end of 2012, BAE Sys­tems will trans­fer all naval gun man­u­fac­tur­ing to Louisville. 

The con­tract award includes fund­ing for the devel­op­ment of fixed propul­sor sys­tems, tail­cones and asso­ci­at­ed spare hard­ware to be com­plete by the end of 2014. Pre­vi­ous con­tracts for this project include propul­sors for the Sea­wolf class sub­ma­rine and the ini­tial 14 propul­sors for the Vir­ginia class. 

BAE Systems 

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