Australia — Recognition of service with the task group medical support element during the Gulf War 1990 – 91

Defence Hon­ours and Awards Tri­bunal inquiry into recog­ni­tion of ser­vice with the task group med­ical sup­port ele­ment dur­ing the Gulf War 1990 – 91
The Par­lia­men­tary Sec­re­tary for Defence Sup­port, the Hon Dr Mike Kel­ly AM MP, announced today that the inde­pen­dent Defence Hon­ours and Awards Tri­bunal will inquire into recog­ni­tion of ser­vice with the Task Group Med­ical Sup­port Ele­ment One dur­ing the Gulf War in 1990–91.

“I am pleased that the Defence Hon­ours and Awards Tri­bunal will inquire into recog­ni­tion of ser­vice with the Task Group Med­ical Sup­port Ele­ment One dur­ing the Gulf War in 1990–91.

“The Tri­bunal has com­menced or com­plet­ed inquiries into all of the issues iden­ti­fied by the Gov­ern­ment in its Defence elec­tion pol­i­cy. This is one of many addi­tion­al issues that the Gov­ern­ment has referred to the Tri­bunal for review,” Dr Kel­ly said. 

A call for sub­mis­sions will be released short­ly in the nation­al press. Sub­mis­sions to the inquiry close on Mon­day 23 August, 2010. 

Ser­vice with the Task Group Med­ical Sup­port Ele­ment One is cur­rent­ly recog­nised with the Aus­tralian Ser­vice Medal with Clasp ‘Kuwait’. The issue of recog­ni­tion by way of the Aus­tralian Active Ser­vice Medal has been raised with the Gov­ern­ment and the Tribunal. 

I would encour­age those inter­est­ed in this issue to now take advan­tage of the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make a sub­mis­sion,” Dr Kel­ly said.
The Tri­bunal can be con­tact­ed at:
Defence Hon­ours and Awards Tri­bunal
Locked Bag 7765
or via email to

The terms of ref­er­ence for the inquiry and guid­ance on how to make a sub­mis­sion can be obtained at: Media con­tacts:
Elyse Gatt (Dr Mike Kel­ly): (02) 6277 4840 or 0437 502 246 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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