Despite recent progress, ISAF continues to face some significant challenges in 2011.
We need to consolidate security progress and make transition work.
In the coming months, we expect the Taliban to sorely test ISAF and Afghan forces in Uruzgan.
ISAF and Afghan security forces have gained the military initiative and the Taliban is changing tactics as a result.
The Taliban will attempt to undermine the confidence of the Afghans, as well as the domestic audiences of troop contributing countries.
We can expect strikes against ISAF forces and civilians alike.
We can expect high profile, highly propaganda-based suicide attacks.
We have seen this with the assassination of the Kandahar Police Chief, and the attack upon the Ministry of Defence in Kabul and the more recent attack on the Kandahar Governor’s office.
We must steel ourselves for further attacks.
Australia is confident that we are on track for a transition of security responsibility to the Afghan security forces in Uruzgan in the 2013–14 timeframe.
The conversations I had in Afghanistan recently with the Commander of ISAF Joint Command, Lieutenant General Rodriguez lead to the same conclusion so far as the rest of the country is concerned.
We very much welcome the fact that in March President Karzai announced transition would soon begin in the first tranche of seven provinces and districts.
The Taliban will try to undermine our confidence in the security of areas undergoing transition.
Patience will be necessary. As the Prime Minister has said there is no point in transitioning out early, just to transition back in again.
US Drawdown
The United States has indicated that it will announce a drawdown in the middle of this year.
The United States military and administration is still working through the detail of that drawdown and is yet to make an announcement.
Ahead of that announcement, I do say, that as a general proposition, there is no inconsistency between the transition of security responsibility by the end of 2014 and a United States drawdown starting in mid-2011.
The type of troops the United States will draw down will also be a consideration. For example, the United States has a number of staff in Afghanistan who were deployed to support the surge some 12 months ago.
As we know from our own experience in Uruzgan, as circumstances change, resources are able to be allocated differently.
That said it is best to wait until President Obama and the administration announce the detail of the drawdown in the middle of this year.
As far as Australia is concerned, we have on average 1550 troops in Afghanistan. That has been the case since April 2009, when this Government increased our troop numbers from an average of 1100 troops.
I am confident that over the next couple of years, sometime between now and the end of 2014, we will effect a transition to Afghan-led responsibility for security in Uruzgan.
The Australian presence will be in Uruzgan in its current formation until we have done the training and mentoring and security transition job and thereafter we expect to be in the Province in some form, such as Special Forces, security over-watch, capacity building, institution building, or niche training roles.
We need over time to work through the details of that presence, not just with our ISAF partners in Uruzgan, but more generally with our partners in Afghanistan.
Development and Governance in Uruzgan
During my recent visit to Afghanistan I met the new Uruzgan Governor Shirzad in Kabul.
I first met Governor Shirzad in Canberra in November 2008 during a visit by a Afghan Parliamentary delegation sponsored by the United Nations Development Program.
My meeting with Governor Shirzad underscored the importance of development and governance for sustaining progress.
On 17 April, Governor Shirzad presented the 2011 Uruzgan Provincial Development Plan in Kabul.
The plan was developed through consultation with village and district councils, line ministries and international stakeholders, and articulates development priorities for the province for the next 12 months.
It includes 385 projects, requiring funding of around US$250 million, and requires the approval of the Afghan Ministry of Economy.
The plan is a first for Uruzgan and Governor Shirzad is to be commended for his efforts.
In my discussions with him he said his priorities for the Province were education and roads, and to fill key civil service posts.
I reinforced these points in my meetings in Kabul with Defence Minister Wardak, Interior Minister Khan, Foreign Minister Rassoul, Transition Coordinator Dr Ghani, and Reconciliation and Reintegration Minister Stanekzai.
I stressed to my Afghan counterparts that the single greatest contribution that could be made to Uruzgan at this point in time is to support Governor Shirzad’s efforts to improve the social and economic opportunities of Afghan families.