Australia – C‑27J Aircraft and Related Support

DSCA noti­fied con­gress Dec. 16 of a pos­si­ble For­eign Mil­i­tary Sale to the Gov­ern­ment of Aus­tralia for C‑27J air­craft
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2011 – The Defense Secu­ri­ty Coop­er­a­tion Agency noti­fied Con­gress Dec. 16 of a pos­si­ble For­eign Mil­i­tary Sale to the Gov­ern­ment of Aus­tralia for 10 C‑27J air­craft and asso­ci­at­ed equip­ment, parts, train­ing and logis­ti­cal sup­port for an esti­mat­ed cost of $950 mil­lion.
The Gov­ern­ment of Aus­tralia request­ed a pos­si­ble sale of 10 C‑27J air­craft; 23 AE2100D2 Rolls Royce engines; 12 Elec­tron­ic War­fare Self Pro­tec­tion Suites; 12 AAR-47A(V)2 Mis­sile Warn­ing Sys­tems; 12 ALE-47(V) Threat Adap­tive Coun­ter­mea­sures Dis­pens­ing Sys­tems; 12 APR-39B(V)2 Radar Warn­ing Receivers; 13 AN/APN-241 Radar Sys­tems; 44 AN/ARC-210 War­rior Very High Frequency/Ultra High Fre­quen­cy Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems; 12 KY-100 Units; 12 HF 9550 Radios; 12 APX-119 Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Friend or Foe (Mode 4); 14 Blue Force Track­ers; 12 Portable Flight Mis­sion Plan­ning Sys­tems; sup­port and test equip­ment; repair and return; spare and repair parts; air­craft fer­ry and tanker sup­port; per­son­nel train­ing and train­ing equip­ment; pub­li­ca­tions and tech­ni­cal data; Oper­a­tional Flight Sim­u­la­tor, Fuse­lage, and Main­te­nance train­ers; U.S. Gov­ern­ment and con­trac­tor rep­re­sen­ta­tive engi­neer­ing, logis­tics, and tech­ni­cal sup­port ser­vices; and oth­er relat­ed ele­ments of logis­tics and pro­gram sup­port. The esti­mat­ed cost is $950 mil­lion.
Aus­tralia is one of our most impor­tant allies in the West­ern Pacif­ic. The strate­gic loca­tion of this polit­i­cal and eco­nom­ic pow­er con­tributes sig­nif­i­cant­ly to ensur­ing peace and eco­nom­ic sta­bil­i­ty in the region. Aus­tralia views inter­op­er­abil­i­ty with U.S. Forces as an impor­tant goal and objec­tive for equip­ment acqui­si­tion. Accord­ing­ly, and in line with the over­all pro­cure­ment strat­e­gy, Aus­tralia seeks an acqui­si­tion FMS case that sup­ports the pro­cure­ment of the C‑27J air­craft.
The pro­posed sale will allow the Aus­tralian Defense Force (ADF) to improve its capa­bil­i­ty to meet cur­rent and future air mobil­i­ty needs and human­i­tar­i­an oper­a­tions and dis­as­ter relief efforts in South­east Asia. The ADF retired its fleet of 14 DHC‑4 Cari­bou air­craft in 2009 and will soon retire 12 C‑130H air­craft. The pro­posed sale of C‑27J’s will pro­vide the capa­bil­i­ty need­ed to meet oper­a­tional needs and emerg­ing require­ment. Aus­tralia will have no dif­fi­cul­ty absorb­ing the C‑27J and sup­port into its armed forces.
The pro­posed sale of this equip­ment and sup­port will not alter the basic mil­i­tary bal­ance in the region.
The prime con­trac­tor will be L3 Inte­grat­ed Sys­tems Group in Waco, Texas. There are no known off­set agree­ments pro­posed in con­nec­tion with this poten­tial sale. Imple­men­ta­tion of this pro­posed sale will not require the assign­ment of any addi­tion­al U.S. Gov­ern­ment or con­trac­tor rep­re­sen­ta­tives to Aus­tralia.
There will be no adverse impact on U.S. defense readi­ness as a result of this pro­posed sale. This notice of a poten­tial sale is required by law and does not mean the sale has been concluded. 

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