Australia — ADF Support to the US President’s Visit

Up to 12 F/A‑18 Hor­nets will join a range of ADF capa­bil­i­ties that will be in place through­out the lead-up to, and dur­ing, the Pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed States’ vis­it to sup­port the Aus­tralian Fed­er­al Police, NT Police and oth­er Gov­ern­ment agen­cies, to ensure the con­duct of a safe and secure vis­it.

This is an impor­tant com­po­nent of the Aus­tralian Government’s secu­ri­ty arrange­ments for the President’s visit. 

The ADF rou­tine­ly pro­vides spe­cialised sup­port to aug­ment the Fed­er­al, State, and Ter­ri­to­ry agen­cies dur­ing major nation­al events and ADF air­craft are an inte­grat­ed part of the over­all secu­ri­ty arrange­ments for the President’s visit. 

The Com­man­der of the Joint Task Force, Rear Admi­ral David John­ston said the pub­lic can expect to observe air­craft move­ments tran­sit­ing to and depart­ing from Williamtown, Tin­dal, Dar­win and Nowra from Mon­day 14 Novem­ber as they pre­pare for the US President’s visit. 

“Air Force fight­er air­craft will con­duct train­ing activ­i­ties in the Can­ber­ra, Nowra and Dar­win areas to enhance the capa­bil­i­ty of the Aus­tralian Defence Force in sup­port­ing the secu­ri­ty oper­a­tions,” Read Admi­ral John­ston said. 

“Famil­iari­sa­tion with the local area is essen­tial for pilots and crews, and F/A‑18 Hor­net train­ing activ­i­ties are sched­uled to occur from 14 November. 

“Air Force air­craft will con­duct air­borne patrol oper­a­tions at Can­ber­ra and Dar­win through­out the President’s vis­it. The pres­ence of air­craft does not imply an inci­dent has occurred.” 

The Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment great­ly appre­ci­ates the sup­port and under­stand­ing of local com­mu­ni­ties towards the ADF when they under­take vital train­ing activ­i­ties in sup­port of our country’s security. 

Queries about restrict­ed air­space arrange­ments dur­ing the President’s vis­it are to be direct­ed to the Joint Air Space Con­trol Cen­tre who can be con­tact­ed on 1800 562 222. 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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