Australia — A new dimension in Defence IT Contract

Par­lia­men­tary Sec­re­tary for Defence Sup­port, Dr Mike Kel­ly, has announced that Dimen­sion Data has won the con­tract for the pro­vi­sion of Ter­res­tri­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Sup­port, which includes the pro­vi­sion of net­work hard­ware main­te­nance sup­port for the Defence Infor­ma­tion Envi­ron­ment.

Dr Kel­ly said Dimen­sion Data was select­ed as suc­cess­ful ten­der fol­low­ing a very com­pet­i­tive process.

“This new con­tract will cov­er a range of ICT ser­vices obtained through exist­ing con­tracts with var­i­ous sup­pli­ers that will expire between July 2010 and Novem­ber 2010,” Dr Kel­ly said. 

“Through the Strate­gic Reform Pro­gram, Defence’s objec­tive is to have few­er con­tracts but more strate­gic com­mer­cial rela­tion­ships with the Aus­tralian Infor­ma­tion and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Tech­nol­o­gy (ICT) industry.

“Defence also aims to achieve greater val­ue for mon­ey to the Com­mon­wealth by engag­ing with indus­try through more respon­sive­ness and flex­i­ble con­tract­ing arrange­ments,” Dr Kel­ly added. 

Dr Kel­ly said the con­sol­i­da­tion of ser­vices under the new arrange­ment with Dimen­sion Data will cost Defence $29 mil­lion for a two year term.

Media con­tacts:
Elyse Gatt (Mike Kel­ly): (02) 6277 4840 or 0437 502 246
Defence Media Liai­son: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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