Army assesses current vehicles as part of Ground Combat Vehicle development process

FORT BLISS, Texas — Last week, the U.S. Army began oper­a­tional assess­ments of exist­ing com­bat vehi­cles to val­i­date capa­bil­i­ties against require­ments for a new Infantry Fight­ing Vehi­cle. The effort, known as the Non-Devel­op­men­tal Vehi­cle, or NDV, Assess­ments will take place on the bor­der of Fort Bliss, Texas, and White Sands Mis­sile Range, N.M.

The Swedish CV-9035 is one of five vehi­cles being assessed dur­ing the Army’s Ground Com­bat Vehi­cle Non-Devel­op­men­tal Vehi­cle Assess­ment effort at Fort Bliss, Texas, and White Sands Mis­sile Range, N.M.
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The assess­ments are being con­duct­ed on domes­tic vehi­cles — the M2A3 Bradley Fight­ing Vehi­cle, M1126 Stryk­er Infantry Car­ri­er Vehi­cle Dou­ble V‑Hull, and a Tur­ret­less Bradley — as well as the Israeli Namer and Swedish CV-9035, both inter­na­tion­al vehicles. 

The NDVs includ­ed in the assess­ments fea­ture a wide range of unique capa­bil­i­ties and attrib­ut­es, which will allow the Army to con­duct a com­pre­hen­sive analy­sis of mul­ti­ple con­fig­u­ra­tions and fam­i­lies of vehi­cles to bet­ter under­stand require­ments achievability. 

Oper­a­tional assess­ments are being con­duct­ed on each vehi­cle with focus on indi­vid­ual key char­ac­ter­is­tics. Each NDV encom­pass­es unique tech­nolo­gies spe­cif­ic to indi­vid­ual coun­try require­ments, enabling the Army’s Project Man­ag­er for Ground Com­bat Vehi­cle to bal­ance these require­ments against mobil­i­ty, sur­viv­abil­i­ty, growth and lethal­i­ty capa­bil­i­ty gaps. 

“We have a very good mix of vehi­cles with unique attrib­ut­es and capa­bil­i­ties,” said Col. Andrew DiMar­co, the Army’s project man­ag­er for Ground Com­bat Vehi­cle, or GCV. “Infor­ma­tion gained from these oper­a­tional assess­ments will con­tribute to the body of analy­sis the Army uses to val­i­date exist­ing capa­bil­i­ties against the require­ments for a new GCV Infantry Fight­ing Vehi­cle, IFV, as well as fur­ther inform poten­tial design trade-offs.” 

The NDV Assess­ment effort, direct­ed in the Mile­stone A Acqui­si­tion Deci­sion Mem­o­ran­dum on Aug. 17, 2011, is one part of the GCV program’s three-pronged approach to the GCV IFV Tech­nol­o­gy Devel­op­ment, known as the TD phase, which is focused on reduc­ing cost and sched­ule risk pri­or to Mile­stone B. The oth­er two prongs in the approach use con­trac­tor devel­oped, best-val­ue design and a con­tin­ued effort to ana­lyze and mod­el oper­a­tional attrib­ut­es and capa­bil­i­ties against cost, sched­ule and per­for­mance risks. 

Con­duct­ing the NDV Assess­ments at Fort Bliss allows the Army to uti­lize an oper­a­tional­ly rel­e­vant envi­ron­ment. These oper­a­tional assess­ments will focus on field obser­va­tions, Sol­dier sur­veys and inter­views, and sta­t­ic exer­cis­es in vary­ing conditions. 

“Suc­cess­ful­ly devel­op­ing, build­ing and field­ing a capa­ble Infantry Fight­ing Vehi­cle that meets afford­abil­i­ty and sched­ule demands depends on aggres­sive explo­ration of the capa­bil­i­ties trade-space and the full range of alter­na­tives pri­or to final­iz­ing require­ments,” said DiMarco. 

Sol­dier-based oper­a­tional insights gleamed from the NDV Assess­ment will be used to refine require­ments in the GCV Capa­bil­i­ty Devel­op­ment Doc­u­ment and inform Army and Office of the Sec­re­tary of Defense deci­sion mak­ers at the program’s upcom­ing Mile­stone B. 

The NDV Assess­ments will con­tin­ue through May 25th. 

U.S. Army 

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