Afghanistan — Troops Kill, Capture Militants, Seize Weapons

WASHINGTON, March 29, 2010 — U.S. and Afghan forces killed and detained mil­i­tants and dis­cov­ered weapons in oper­a­tions in Afghanistan in recent days, mil­i­tary offi­cials said. Troops from NATO’s Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force, along with Afghan forces, killed sev­er­al Tal­iban fight­ers while respond­ing to heavy fire dur­ing a March 27 oper­a­tion in the Tagab dis­trict of Kapisa province.

The com­bined force also detained an ene­my fight­er while search­ing a com­pound near Alasay Valley. 

One of the mil­i­tants involved in the oper­a­tion is sus­pect­ed of being the senior Tal­iban com­man­der in the west­ern Alasay Val­ley, respon­si­ble for a num­ber of vio­lent attacks against Afghan gov­ern­ment offi­cials and coali­tion forces. 

Troops seized assault rifles, rock­et-pro­pelled grenades and sev­er­al doc­u­ments in the operation. 

In oth­er oper­a­tions that day, com­bined forces detained two sus­pect­ed mil­i­tants in the Mar­ja area of Hel­mand province and four ene­my fight­ers in Kan­da­har City, near the vil­lage of Karz. 

Also on March 27, troops seized an insur­gent who fired two rock­ets at the com­pound where a meet­ing was being held in the Khakrez dis­trict cen­ter of Kan­da­har province. 

Com­bined forces killed and detained mil­i­tants a day ear­li­er dur­ing oper­a­tions near Kariz Deh Baba, east of Musa Qaleh. 

As Afghan force mem­bers entered a tar­get­ed com­pound, a num­ber of insur­gents fired upon them. The force respond­ed in self defense and killed sev­er­al insur­gents, accord­ing to mil­i­tary offi­cials. Troops detained sev­er­al oth­er insurgents. 

Afghan forces also recov­ered assault rifles, ammu­ni­tion, rock­et-pro­pelled grenades and oth­er mil­i­tary equip­ment in the March 26 offensive. 

(Com­piled from Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force Joint Com­mand news releases.) 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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