Afghanistan — Insurgent Attack Kills Two Afghan Civilians

WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2010 — Offi­cials from NATO’s Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force in Afghanistan today con­firmed that two Afghan civil­ians were killed dur­ing an insur­gent attack on a coali­tion base in Kunar province, mil­i­tary offi­cials report­ed.
Afghan and coali­tion forces trans­port­ed local res­i­dents wound­ed in the attack to a near­by ISAF med­ical facil­i­ty.

In oper­a­tions yesterday: 

— A coali­tion airstrike in Badgis province, tar­get­ing a senior Tal­iban leader, killed sev­er­al insur­gents. The Tal­iban leader is believed respon­si­ble for coor­di­nat­ing numer­ous attacks on ISAF and Afghan troops in the province. Tips from local res­i­dents led troops to his loca­tion. Once troops had con­fir­ma­tion that insur­gent activ­i­ty was going on there, they called in the airstrike. 

— Afghan and coali­tion forces in Hel­mand province’s Nad’Ali dis­trict killed three insur­gents and detained 20 oth­ers. Two sep­a­rate secu­ri­ty ele­ments were patrolling the area. Both were attacked by insur­gents. The first result­ed in one killed and 20 detainees. The sec­ond patrol killed two insurgents. 

— Secu­ri­ty oper­a­tions through­out south­ern Afghanistan result­ed in the cap­ture of sev­er­al sus­pect­ed Tal­iban mem­bers. Afghan and coali­tion forces detained one sus­pect in Zab­ul province alleged­ly con­nect­ed to numer­ous bomb­ings in south­ern Afghanistan. Secu­ri­ty forces cap­tured sev­er­al oth­ers in Kan­da­har with alleged ties to weapons smug­gling and bomb­ing cells. 

— Oper­a­tions in south­ern Afghanistan also result­ed in the seizure of sev­er­al weapons caches. Afghan and coali­tion troops found more than 1,000 rounds of small arms ammu­ni­tion, four hand grenades, four rock­et-pro­pelled grenades, two artillery rounds and numer­ous bomb­ing-mak­ing materials. 

In oper­a­tions Dec. 7, secu­ri­ty forces killed sev­er­al insur­gents who attempt­ed to ambush an ISAF-Afghan patrol in Kapisa province’s Tagab dis­trict. Troops took fire from sev­er­al ene­my fight­ing posi­tions along the road the troops were patrolling. Troops called in an airstrike after sev­er­al hours of fight­ing. Sev­er­al insur­gents sur­vived the airstrike, but were killed by the secu­ri­ty force. 

Also on Dec. 7, Afghan and coali­tion troops killed two insur­gents in Hel­mand province’s Kaja­ki dis­trict, while tar­get­ing a senior Tal­iban leader. Troops arrived at the leader’s alleged loca­tion. Secu­ri­ty forces were con­front­ed by a man who threat­ened to det­o­nate a bomb. He and anoth­er insur­gent were killed after demon­strat­ing hos­tile intent toward the troops. More than 210 pounds of opi­um and var­i­ous weapons were found. 

Com­piled from Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force Joint Com­mand News Releases 

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