Afghanistan — Forces Capture Taliban Commander, Seize Drugs

KABUL, Afghanistan, June 9, 2010 — Afghan and inter­na­tion­al forces cap­tured a Tal­iban com­man­der and oth­er insur­gent sus­pects in Kan­da­har province yes­ter­day, mil­i­tary offi­cials said.

A com­bined team of NATO Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force and Afghan sol­diers cap­tured a man believed to be an impro­vised explo­sive device com­man­der and sev­er­al oth­ers dur­ing oper­a­tions in Kan­da­har province. 

The com­man­der is believed respon­si­ble for bring­ing togeth­er IED experts to con­struct the devices, and of being a mem­ber of a Tal­iban assas­si­na­tion cell in Kan­da­har City. The man and the oth­er sus­pects were cap­tured in a rur­al com­pound in Arghandab dis­trict after intel­li­gence infor­ma­tion ver­i­fied mil­i­tant activ­i­ty there. 

Also, an ISAF patrol yes­ter­day dis­cov­ered about 1,980 pounds of of mar­i­jua­na in the Reg‑e Khan Neshin dis­trict of Hel­mand province. 

The patrol found 37 bags of the drug in a truck and detained the driver. 

There were no shots fired and no one was harmed dur­ing the above operations. 

From an Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force Joint Com­mand News Release 

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