WASHINGTON — Afghan and international forces today captured a terrorism suspect in Afghanistan who is linked to suicide bombings and other attacks, military officials reported.
The man, whom officials did not name, is believed to have led bombing attacks for the Haqqani terrorist network, including attacks against coalition bases and a bazaar in Khost province.
A combined Afghan-international force captured the man and two associates at a compound in Khost’s Terayzai district this morning after intelligence indicated insurgent activity there. The team found automatic rifles, pistols and a large amount of money at the compound.
In other news from Afghanistan:
— In the Maiwand district of Kandahar province this morning, a combined patrol found an assault rifle and 30 bags of wet opium. Afghan authorities detained one person in connection with the find.
— In Nangarhar province this morning, an International Security Assistance Force explosive ordnance disposal team responded to an Afghan police report of a bomb made from two 82 mm mortars. The EOD team destroyed the device.
— In Kandahar last night, a combined security force captured several suspected insurgents and recovered an automatic rifle, a fragmentation grenade, a shotgun, blasting caps and a large amount of money.
— In Helmand province’s Garm Ser district yesterday, an Afghan civilian led a combined patrol to 20 rocket-propelled grenades, which an EOD team destroyed.
No shots were fired and no Afghan citizens were harmed during these operations, officials said.
Also, Afghan and international forces continue to help people coping with flooding in the western province of Herat. Afghan army air corps MI-17 helicopters delivered enough tents to shelter 300 people.
An Italian aid group provided the 30 frame tents, which U.S. forces transported to the Afghan air corps.
Flooding caused by heavy rains has left more than 60 people dead and has destroyed many homes in the area, officials said.
Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases