Afghanistan — Central Training Center graduates 229 policemen

KABUL — Approx­i­mate­ly 180 Afghan Nation­al Civ­il Order Police and 49 Afghan Uni­formed Police grad­u­at­ed basic train­ing Dec. 2, at the Cen­tral Train­ing Cen­ter in Kab­ul, Afghanistan.

Afghan Nation­al Civ­il Order Police (ANCOP) grad­u­ates and vol­un­teers par­tic­i­pate in a sim­u­lat­ed riot con­trol demon­stra­tion fol­low­ing a grad­u­a­tion cer­e­mo­ny at the Cen­tral Train­ing Cen­ter Dec. 1. Grad­u­ates demon­strat­ed their mil­i­tary and police tac­tics to Afghan and coali­tion observers. (U.S. Air Force pho­to by Senior Air­man Andrea Salazar.)
Source: NATO
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The Ital­ian Cara­binieri are respon­si­ble for train­ing the Afghan police­man instruc­tors on sub­jects rang­ing from dis­ci­pline, human rights, the con­sti­tu­tion­al law of Afghanistan, and basic polic­ing tech­niques. The grad­u­ates spent a total of 14 weeks learn­ing basic and advanced mil­i­tary and police tactics. 

Accord­ing to Ital­ian Cara­binieri CTC Train­ing Ele­ment Com­man­der 2nd Lt. Nico­lo Moran­di, all Afghan stu­dents com­plete train­ing in dis­ci­pline, human rights, the con­sti­tu­tion­al law of Afghanistan and basic polic­ing techniques. 

“The ANCOP course is divid­ed into two basic and advanced phas­es,” said Moran­di. “The first phase is 6 weeks and the sec­ond phase is 8 weeks, last­ing a total of 14 weeks. The AUP course is 8 weeks that teach­es them both mil­i­tary and police skills because the type of work they will do requires these abilities.” 

Fol­low­ing the cer­e­mo­ny, the grad­u­ates proud­ly demon­strat­ed their mil­i­tary and police skills to Afghan and coali­tion observers. The demon­stra­tion fea­tured a sim­u­lat­ed riot con­trol sit­u­a­tion and var­i­ous drill techniques. 

“I’m hap­py that I learned a lot and my fam­i­ly is proud that I am at the ser­vice of Afghanistan,” one stu­dent said. 

The new police­man will soon head to var­i­ous provinces to pro­vide secu­ri­ty and pro­tec­tion for the peo­ple of Afghanistan. The train­ing they have received will give them the con­fi­dence and capa­bil­i­ties to per­form their duties.

“I enjoyed teach­ing here,” said Ital­ian Cara­binieri Train­ing Over­sight Assis­tant War­rant Offi­cer Abramo Trin­co. “It was a great expe­ri­ence to get to know who they are and their back­ground. I am con­fi­dent that they will do a good job.” 

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