Afghan, Coalition Forces Nab Insurgent, Find Weapons-110608

WASHINGTON, June 7, 2011 — Afghan and coali­tion troops yes­ter­day found a weapons cache and detained one sus­pect dur­ing a secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion con­duct­ed in the Charkh dis­trict of Log­ar province, mil­i­tary offi­cials report­ed.
The Afghan-led force was search­ing for a Tal­iban leader in the dis­trict. The leader is respon­si­ble for coor­di­nat­ing and con­duct­ing attacks against Afghan and coali­tion com­bined forces.

Dur­ing the oper­a­tion Afghan mem­bers of the force searched a mosque where they dis­cov­ered 100 light machine-gun rounds, 13 rock­et-pro­pelled grenade boost­ers, 12 RPG rounds, 12 heavy machine-gun rounds, two grenades and one landmine. 

The indi­vid­ual asso­ci­at­ed with the weapons cache was detained. No shots were fired and the women and chil­dren were pro­tect­ed through­out the search. 

In oth­er oper­a­tions in Afghanistan yesterday: 

— An ISAF patrol oper­at­ing in the Giro dis­trict of Ghazni province dis­cov­ered a weapons cache con­sist­ing of one 122 mm rock­et, eight rock­et-pro­pelled grenades and one hand grenade. 

— An Afghan and coali­tion force cap­tured a Tal­iban leader and sev­er­al of his asso­ciates dur­ing a secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion in the Dand dis­trict of Kan­da­har province. The leader direct­ed oper­a­tions in Kan­da­har City and Sen­jaray vil­lage, and was respon­si­ble for trans­fer­ring explo­sives through­out the dis­trict. He also was involved in aid­ing in the escape of detained insurgents. 

— In Zab­ul province, an Afghan and coali­tion force detained sev­er­al sus­pects dur­ing an overnight oper­a­tion tar­get­ing a Tal­iban leader in Tarnek wa Jal­dak dis­trict. The leader works in the Net Khaliq attack cell. He is linked to ene­my recon­nais­sance efforts, as well as arrang­ing for the release and trans­fer of insur­gent prisoners. 

— Afghan and coali­tion forces cap­tured a Tal­iban facil­i­ta­tor and two of his asso­ciates dur­ing a secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion in the Mar­jeh dis­trict of Hel­mand province. The facil­i­ta­tor coor­di­nat­ed the move­ment of injured Tal­iban fight­ers through his net­work of couri­ers and dri­vers. He’s also linked to efforts to aid detained Tal­iban insur­gents escape custody. 

— A com­bined Afghan and coali­tion secu­ri­ty force detained two sus­pect­ed insur­gents while search­ing for a Haqqani net­work facil­i­ta­tor in the Sabari dis­trict of Khost province. The facil­i­ta­tor is linked to the trans­fer and emplace­ment of road­side bombs. 

— In Nan­garhar province, a com­bined Afghan and coali­tion secu­ri­ty force cap­tured a Tal­iban facil­i­ta­tor and one of his asso­ciates dur­ing a secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion in Achin dis­trict, yes­ter­day. The facil­i­ta­tor par­tic­i­pat­ed in attacks against the Afghan Nation­al Army and pro­vid­ed weapons, muni­tions and finances to insur­gents through­out the dis­trict. The secu­ri­ty force con­fis­cat­ed a RPG launch­er, a mor­tar tube, mul­ti­ple rounds of ammu­ni­tion and a chest rack. 

— An Afghan and coali­tion force cap­tured a Haqqani net­work facil­i­ta­tor and one sus­pect dur­ing a secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion in the Yahya Khel dis­trict of Pak­ti­ka province. The facil­i­ta­tor is linked to pro­vid­ing reports to Haqqani lead­ers regard­ing recent attacks. 

— In Khost, an Afghan and coali­tion force detained sev­er­al sus­pects dur­ing a secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion tar­get­ing a Haqqani net­work leader in the Dilah wa Khoshamand dis­trict. The leader is linked to ene­my fight­er cells and attacks against the Afghan police. 

In June 5 operations: 

— A com­bined Afghan and coali­tion force oper­a­tion dis­cov­ered an explo­sives cache dur­ing a secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion in the Bagra­mi dis­trict of Kab­ul province. The oper­a­tion secured 1,764 pounds of home­made explo­sives, 300 blast­ing caps, two rolls of timed fus­es and one AK-47 rifle. One man asso­ci­at­ed with the cache was detained by Afghan author­i­ties for questioning. 

— In the Shay­bar dis­trict of Bamyan province, a coali­tion patrol dis­cov­ered a weapons cache con­tain­ing four rock­ets, eight RPG grenades, 204 7.62 mm rounds, 10 anti-per­son­nel mines, 20 mor­tar fus­es, six RPG boost­ers and four mag­a­zines. All con­fis­cat­ed weapons and explo­sives will be destroyed. 

— An Afghan and coali­tion force detained two sus­pects while search­ing for a Tal­iban leader in the Imam Sahib dis­trict of Kun­duz province. The leader works with Tal­iban and Islam­ic Move­ment of Uzbek­istan lead­er­ship in Takhar province. He assists the head of the Tal­iban com­mis­sion for Takhar and facil­i­tates the trans­porta­tion of explo­sive com­po­nents and directs road­side bomb emplace­ments. Fol­low­ing intel­li­gence tips, the Afghan-led secu­ri­ty force tar­get­ed a com­pound in the dis­trict to search for the leader. Dur­ing the search the force detained two indi­vid­u­als with sus­pect­ed ties to the leader. No shots were fired dur­ing the night oper­a­tion and no civil­ians were harmed. 

Com­piled from Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force Joint Com­mand News Releases 

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