WASHINGTON, Dec. 16, 2010 — Afghan and coalition forces killed and detained several insurgents in operations today throughout eastern and southern Afghanistan, military officials reported.
Several insurgents were killed in Helmand province’s Sangin district after ambushing an Afghan and coalition patrol. The security forces used small-arms fire, artillery fire, and close-air support during the engagement. Troops also discovered a stockpile of bomb-making materials.
In Paktiya province, Afghan and coalition forces detained several suspected insurgents tied to a weapons stockpile found by the troops. The cache included more than 40 mortar rounds, seven anti-tank mines and various bomb-making materials.
Another operation in Helmand’s Marja and Garm Ser districts, netted a stockpile of more than 70 mortar rounds, 20 hand grenades and more than a 1,000 rounds of small-arms ammunition.
Also, today, officials from NATO’s International Security Assistance Force are investigating reports that four Afghan troops were killed in a recent ISAF airstrike. The incident occurred in Helmand province. A combined patrol came under attack and requested the airstrike.
Afghan and coalition forces yesterday in Kandahar province’s Panjwa’i district detained several suspected insurgents with alleged ties to a Taliban bomb facilitator. Security forces approached the facilitator’s reported location and used a loudspeaker to call individuals out of the building. The suspects were taken into custody without incident.
In Kabul province’s Pagham district, security forces detained a known kidnapper. He was positively identified upon a search of his home and taken into custody for further questioning.
Compiled from International Security Assistance Force Joint Command News Releases