1st Inshore Patrol Vessel Commissioned into Coast Guard

The Indi­an Coast Guard Ship Rani Abbak­ka, the 1st of a series of five Inshore Patrol Ves­sel (IPV) built at M/s HSL, was com­mis­sioned at Visakha­p­at­nam by Min­is­ter of State for Defence Dr. MM Pal­lam Raju 

today in the pres­ence of Vice Admi­ral Anil Chopra, Flag Offi­cer Com­mand­ing in Chief (East), Vice Admi­ral MP Muralid­ha­ran, Direc­tor Gen­er­al Indi­an Coast Guard and oth­er senior dig­ni­taries of the Cen­tral and State Govt. The ship is named after Abbak­ka Mahade­vi, the leg­endary queen of Tulu­nadu, Kar­nata­ka who fought the Por­tuguese in the lat­ter half of the 16th cen­tu­ry. She was also one of the ear­li­est Indi­ans to fight the colo­nial pow­ers and is some­times regard­ed as the ‘First Woman Free­dom Fight­er of India‘. 

The 50 M Inshore Patrol Ves­sel, ICGS Rani Abbak­ka, the first of its class has been designed and built indige­nous­ly by M/s Hin­dus­tan Ship­yard Lim­it­ed, Visakha­p­at­nam. The ship, which is equipped with the most advanced and sophis­ti­cat­ed nav­i­ga­tion­al and com­mu­ni­ca­tion sen­sors and equip­ment. The ship is pro­pelled by three MTU 4000 series Diesel engines of 2720 KW capac­i­ty at 2100 rpm each cou­pled with three 71S II Rolls Royce Jets to a max­i­mum speed of 31.5 Knots. At eco­nom­i­cal speed of 14 Knots, it has an endurance of 1500 nau­ti­cal miles. The spe­cial fea­tures of the ship include an Inte­grat­ed Bridge Sys­tem (IBS), Machin­ery Con­trol Sys­tem (IMCS), and an indige­nous­ly built Gun Mount with Fire Con­trol Sys­tem. The ship is designed to car­ry one Rigid Inflat­able Boat and two Gem­in­is for Search and Res­cue, Law Enforce­ment and Mar­itime Patrol. 

ICGS “Rani Abbak­ka”, manned by 05 offi­cers and 34 men under the Com­mand of Com­man­dant C Vivekanan­da, will be based at Chen­nai and will be under admin­is­tra­tive and oper­a­tional con­trol of the Com­man­der, Coast Guard Region (East).

The ship on join­ing the Coast Guard Fleet will enhance Coast Guard’s capa­bil­i­ty in fur­ther­ing its man­date of Mar­itime Safe­ty, Mar­itime Secu­ri­ty, Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion and Coastal Secu­ri­ty on the East­ern Sea board 

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