40. The Ministers reviewed EU-ASEAN co-operation programmes and activities aimed at enhancing overall Dialogue Relations and supporting the ASEAN integration and community building process by 2015. ASEAN greatly appreciated the EU’s assistance and support for the period 2007–2013, around €70 million for ASEAN and €1.3 billion for development and poverty-reduction to individual ASEAN Member States, thus helping to bridge the development gap in the region. Noting that EU integration was much further advanced, the Ministers encouraged EU to share experiences with ASEAN on regional integration. In this regard, they welcomed the study visit of the ASEAN Committee of Permanent Representatives to Brussels and Berlin now planned for the later half of 2010.
41. The Ministers also underlined the importance of strengthened region to region cooperation in the trade area (outside the framework of the FTA negotiations) on issues such as negotiating capacity of ASEAN, exchange of experience on regional integration and capacity building on technical trade issues for the ASEAN Secretariat and ASEAN Member States.
42. In addition, the Ministers noted the progress made in the implementation of the Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument (READI) which provides opportunities for both sides to strengthen co-operation in non-trade areas. They noted, in particular, the growing number of dialogues, including information society, climate change, energy, science and technology and the recently launched dialogue on disaster preparedness. The Ministers encouraged relevant senior officials to intensify and expand dialogue in different sectors. They looked forward to the launch of the new READI facility in 2010 that will provide additional resources to underpin such dialogues.
43. The Ministers assessed experience so far and agreed that the successful implementation of co-operation programmes depends, inter alia, on two factors: a) the absorption capacity of the ASEAN Secretariat and b) an effective ASEAN-led donor co-ordination process to make sure that contributions from all partners are used optimally. The Ministers tasked relevant officials to follow-up speedily on these issues.
Political and Security Co-operation
44. The Ministers noted the initiative of the EU to establish a regional Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Centre of Excellence in South East Asia, to promote a regional approach in the field of CBRN risk mitigation, facilitate the exchange of expertise and best practices, and enhance the CBRN safety and security culture.
45. The Ministers committed to promote greater collaboration in addressing nontraditional security issues. In this context, ASEAN noted with appreciation EU support through the EU-ASEAN Migration and Border Management Programme which aims to develop a more efficient border management system in ASEAN Member States as well as combat trafficking of persons and illegal migration control. The Ministers also reaffirmed their commitment to promote co-operation in combating other forms of transnational crime such as illicit drug trafficking, terrorism, arms smuggling, international economic crime and cyber crime, money laundering, acts of piracy and robbery against ships.
Economic Co-operation
46. The Ministers agreed to enhance co-operation on food and energy security between ASEAN and the EU. Global demand for food is expected to significantly increase by 2050, much of this extra demand coming from developing countries, where population growth is fastest. But more unpredictable rainfall and sea level rise in some regions due to climate change could strongly challenge our ability to meet this increased demand. Developing countries are amongst the most vulnerable in terms of long-term food security given low incomes, often poor nutritional status (especially of women and children) and the impact of price volatility on affordability. Thus, the Ministers agreed to promote open trade in staples and other food products; to put greater emphasis on improving nutrition; and to support greater cooperation exploring alternatives to conventional energy resources through, among other things, the development of renewable energy sources, while taking into account the potential impact on agricultural land for food crops. In this context, the Ministers expressed support for the realisation of commitments of the G8 Summit in L’Aquila 2009 and the Declaration of World Food Security 2009 as well as the ASEAN Integrated Food Security Framework.
47. On developing alternative and renewable energy resources, the Ministers encouraged greater efforts to create a favourable investment climate, co-operation in R&D technology transfer and capacity building. They recognised the urgent need to pursue low-carbon technologies and green economy solutions to mitigate the impact of climate change. They welcomed the ASEAN-EC Energy Work Plan which was adopted at the 2nd ASEAN Senior Officials’ Meeting on Energy – EU Dialogue on 14 May 2009 in Chiang Mai, Thailand as the implementation framework for the ASEAN-EC Energy Dialogue. They also stressed biofuel sustainability, energy efficiency and energy security as two key issues in the ASEAN-EU energy relationship.
48. The Ministers noted similarities between the development of the single EU aviation market and the planned single ASEAN aviation market by 2015 and expressed their interest in exchanging experiences in this field to the mutual benefit. Ministers agreed therefore to enhance EU-ASEAN technical and regulatory co-operation in the air transport sector in areas such as air traffic management, aviation security, aviation safety, environment and economic regulation. They expressed interest in exploring scope for more comprehensive co-operation in the area of civil aviation between the EU and ASEAN.
49. The Ministers stressed the importance of increasing availability and improving the quality of statistical data as an essential economic management tool. They therefore welcomed on-going co-operation efforts in this direction between ASEAN and the EU in the area of economic statistics.
50. The Ministers welcomed the reinforcement of the bi-regional policy dialogue in the field of research between the ASEAN Committee of Science and Technology (COST) and the European Commission. This dialogue provides a solid framework for co-operation in many areas such as food, agriculture and biotechnologies, health, information and communication technologies, marine sciences, renewable energy and climate change. In that respect, Ministers noted with satisfaction the results of the 1st ASEAN-EC Dialogue Meeting on Science and Technology which took place in Vientiane, Laos, on 20–21 May 2010.
51. The Ministers welcomed the setting-up of a co-operation framework in the field of civilian use of satellite navigation systems, and expressed their willingness to promote the involvement of their relevant institutions and organisations. They encouraged in particular the establishment of a permanent EU-ASEAN collaboration centre on civilian use of satellite navigation systems.
Socio-cultural Co-operation
52. The Ministers welcomed the entry into force of the ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) and the establishment of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA centre). The Ministers also welcomed the launching of the AADMER Work Program. The Ministers noted that a stronger dialogue and co-operation has been initiated between the ASEAN Secretariat and EC’s Directorate-General on Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection European Commission Humanitarian Office (ECHO) in order to further enhance ASEAN’s disaster management and humanitarian assistance capabilities. This co-operation will be further facilitated and strengthened by the Regional READI facility.
53. The Ministers welcomed intensified co-operation between the EU and ASEAN on disaster risk assessment, early warning, risk reduction and disaster preparedness, prevention and mitigation, especially in light of the Climate Change challenges in the ASEAN region. This co-operation will further intensify with EU’s support for the implementation of the AADMER Work Programme 2010 — 2015, including the establishment of the AHA Centre as part of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Blueprint.
54. The Ministers agreed on the need to remain vigilant and proactive vis-à-vis emerging infectious threats, in particular highly-pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) and pandemics. They noted the outcome of the International Ministerial Conference on Animal and Pandemic Influenza, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, from 19 to 21 April 2010, which commended the ongoing efforts of countries in tackling HPAI and pandemics and at the same time noted the continued threat of HPAI. The unprecedented global mobilization against HPAI had helped strengthen the capacity of ASEAN Member States to prevent and respond to health risks emerging at the interface between animals, humans and environment. Moreover, the investments made since 2005 in pandemic preparedness had considerably facilitated a smooth response to the A/H1N1 (2009) pandemic.
Council of the European Council