



Die Gemein­schaft der Turkstaaten: 

Tabelle der Türkischen Staat­en mit Angabe der türkischen Sprach­gruppe, zu der das jew­eilige Hauptvolk gehört.

 Land­fläche (qkm)BevölkerungBSP/Kopf in US-Dollar
Usbek­istan447.00024.800.000360 $
Kipachi Türken   
Kasach­stan2.717.00014.900.0001.260 $
Turk­menistan488.0005.200.000750 $
Aser­baid­schan86.8008.052.000600 $
Türkei779.45263.3100.0003.100 $

Ein Kor­re­spon­den­z­part­ner aus Zen­tralasien – aus Kasach­stan und dort wieder dem Stamm der Tataren ange­hörend – teilte mir zu den „großtürkischen Träu­men“ mit (Zitat):
“and to uni­fi­ca­tion of Turk peo­ple: it is nice idea but not pos­si­ble. Turk peo­ple is very dif­fer­ent. Turks like Kaza­kh, Kyr­gyz and Tyvan is more like Mon­gols in look and cul­ture. Turks like Turkey is more like Medit­ter­anean while Tatars is like Euro­pean. If you divide it down there is 4 kind of turks:  Cha­gatai turks : name after Jen­giz Khan 2nd son (or 3rd?). They is Uzbeks and Uighur most­ly and almost same thing.. the name Uighur and Uzbek is cre­ation by Sovi­et and Chi­nese (well one Chi­nese war­lord) def­i­n­i­tion because Uighur name die out around 1500, but is brought back in 1920. Cha­gatai turks live in oasis, look more like per­sian and some asian. They is NOT nomadic. I think race that is clos­est to orig­i­nal Uighurs is Yugur or Tyvan. Yugur is still bud­dhist like orig­i­nal Uighur and look more Mon­gol like Orig­i­nal uighur.
Kipchak turks: is Kaza­kh, Kyr­gyz, Tatar, Bashkir, and Karakalpak. These kind turks is nomadic and con­sid­er Jen­giz Khan as their hero (all these peo­ple use to be part of Jochi’s empire of Gold­en Horde before break up into small­er divi­sion). Kipchak turks and Cha­gatai turks HATE each oth­er. You go to Xin­jiang and u will see Kaza­kh of Chi­na do not like Uighurs of Chi­na and they will only unite when some one realy dif­fer­ent threat­en them. To west­ern­er, Kipchak turks look like Mon­gol or chinese..but we is slight­ly dif­fer­ent. Tatar and Bashkir can range from blonde hair to blue eye to yel­low skin and black hair. 
Oguz Turks: Is Turk­men, Azeri and Turk­ish. Azeri and Turk­ish are Cau­ca­sus peo­ple who adopt Turk cul­ture and lan­guage. Lan­guage of theirs is pret­ty dif­fer­ent, have many per­sian words. Turk­ish is maybe only 70% same to Kipchak dialect, and 80% to Cha­gatai. Turk­men peo­ple is orig­i­nal Oguz peo­ple, lan­guage of theirs is like 800 year old Turk­ish. Turk­men peo­ple give the best resis­tance to Russ­ian colo­nial­ism. Azeri and Turk­ish peo­ple is so far from C.Asia they do not have much strong con­nec­tion with them except lan­guage. then u have oth­er Turks :.. there is Sakhalar (Yakut) of Siberia, they look very Kore­an have alot of Mon­gol terms in lan­guage of theirs. and Tyvan..they is seem to look exact­ly like Mon­gol, in dress too, lan­guage is Turk though.but they use names that sound like Mon­gol. 
as u can see each group is dif­fer­ent and hard to unite. 
as for rival between Mon­gol and is hard because it is hard to draw line between what Mon­gol is and Turk is with some. Even in Mon­go­lia, there is maybe 4 or 5 offi­cial Mon­gol tribe that speak Turk­ish. You have Tyvan who is mon­gol too but speak Turk­ish. of course Turkey, Uighur and Uzbek is big dif­fer­ence from Mongolian..but Sakhalar, Kaza­kh, Kyr­gyz etc is much more sim­i­lar and hard to tell because they use many of same tra­di­tion like archery, horse rid­ing, wrestling etc. Also when Jen­giz Khan unite the tribes of Mon­go­lia.. many of them was Turks too. ” Zitatende.

Disku­tieren Sie mit: Der Traum von Großturkestan

turk-sprachige Staat­en

Externe Links:
Repub­lik Kasach­stan — (
Die kasachis­che Nation­al­ität — (


Kyr­gyzis­che Repub­lik — (

Ost­turkestan (chi­ne­sis­che Prov­inz Hsinkiang):
East Turk­istan Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter — (

Turkvölk­er — (

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