Australia and the United States renew the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement

The Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Mar­shal Hous­ton, and the US Vice Chair­man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen­er­al Cartwright, today renewed the Aus­tralia-Unit­ed States Acqui­si­tion and Cross-Ser­vic­ing Agree­ment (ACSA) at a short cer­e­mo­ny in Can­ber­ra.

The Acqui­si­tion and Cross-Ser­vic­ing Agree­ment, a treaty lev­el arrange­ment, is the prin­ci­pal vehi­cle through which coop­er­a­tive mil­i­tary logis­tics sup­port is con­duct­ed between the Unit­ed States and Australia. 

Since its incep­tion, the Agree­ment has ensured sup­ply sup­port and ser­vices to Aus­tralian and US forces deployed to all parts of the world wher­ev­er Aus­tralian and Unit­ed States forces are oper­at­ing togeth­er. Of par­tic­u­lar note is the mutu­al sup­port that has been facil­i­tat­ed by the Agree­ment dur­ing oper­a­tions in Iraq and Afghanistan. 

The Agree­ment has also played a sig­nif­i­cant role in major exer­cis­es such as the Tal­is­man Sabre series that is con­duct­ed bien­ni­al­ly between Aus­tralia and the US

“Renew­ing today the Acqui­si­tion and Cross-Ser­vic­ing Agree­ment demon­strates the con­tin­u­ing strength and prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion of our long-stand­ing Alliance,” Air Chief Mar­shal Hous­ton said. 

“I am pleased that Gen­er­al Cartwright and I have been able to renew an agree­ment that pro­vides the foun­da­tion for the impor­tant work of our mil­i­tary logisticians.” 

The ACSA will come into effect when respec­tive Par­lia­men­tary process­es that approve its renew­al have been concluded. 

Media con­tact: Defence Media Liai­son: (02) 6127 1999 or 0408 498 664 

Aus­tralian Min­istry of Defence 

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