3009th FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting, Luxembourg, 26 April 2010
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
1. “The Council has closely followed the recent events in Kyrgyzstan. The Council regrets the loss of life and remains concerned by the fragile situation in the country. The Council appreciates the close and successful coordination between the EU, OSCE, and the UN in Kyrgyzstan in the immediate aftermath of the unrest.
2. The Council underlines the importance of an early return to public order in Kyrgyzstan under a democratic government that fully respects the rule of law and human rights. The Council calls on the provisional government to abide by all Kyrgyzstan’s international obligations and commitments in that regard.
3. The Council welcomes the provisional government’s announcement to work on constitutional reform and rapidly lay the proper groundwork for democratic elections. The Council calls on the provisional government to take into account the relevant expert opinions of ODIHR and the Venice Commission in organising the constitutional referendum and the parliamentary elections announced for 27 June and 10 October 2010 respectively.
4. The Council looks forward to concrete action by the provisional government in the areas mentioned above and stands ready to support implementation of these objectives with assistance measures, including in the framework of the EU Strategy for Central Asia.
5. The EU will continue to follow the situation in Kyrgyzstan closely and will coordinate its actions with relevant international organisations and other international actors.”
Council of the European Union