World Health Organization Says Do Not Give Children Experimental Coronavirus Vaccine Shots | ZeroHedge

At its web­site, the WHO offers this advice regard­ing giv­ing exper­i­men­tal coro­n­avirus vac­cines, some of which are not even vac­cines under the nor­mal mean­ing of the term, to children:

Children should not be vaccinated for the moment.

There is not yet enough evi­dence on the use of vac­cines against COVID-19 in chil­dren to make rec­om­men­da­tions for chil­dren to be vac­ci­nat­ed against COVID-19.

Chil­dren and ado­les­cents tend to have milder dis­ease com­pared to adults.

How­ev­er, chil­dren should con­tin­ue to have the rec­om­mend­ed child­hood vaccines.

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