TBV Marine Systems has delivered eight LARS systems for the Kuwait Coast Guard

End­ing 2016, TBV Marine Sys­tems, part of High-Tech Solu­tions & Design B.V., has fin­ished the com­mis­sion­ing for eight FRC/RHIB Launch and Recov­ery sys­tems (LARS) that have been deliv­ered for four new ves­sels ordered by the Kuwait Coast Guard. 

For this project, the LARS was designed to car­ry a craft with a length of near­ly nine meters, with a max­i­mum weight of six tons. For each ves­sel, the stern ramp was designed to car­ry two sys­tems, which were both pow­ered by one hydraulic pow­er unit. 

This project has again proven TBV Marine Sys­tems’ abil­i­ty to use their expe­ri­ence in devel­op­ing tech­ni­cal solu­tions for the glob­al mar­itime mar­ket to effec­tive­ly tai­lor the LARS to the spe­cif­ic demands of the cus­tomer. By means of a cre­ative team of engi­neers and their group of part­ners, the project for the Kuwait Coast Guard has suc­cess­ful­ly been com­mis­sioned with sat­is­fac­tion from the ship­yard and the final customer. 

TBV Marine Systems / Launch and Recovery systems (LARS)
TBV Marine Sys­tems / Launch and Recov­ery sys­tems (LARS)
TBV Marine Systems / Launch and Recovery systems (LARS)
TBV Marine Sys­tems / Launch and Recov­ery sys­tems (LARS)
TBV Marine Systems / Launch and Recovery systems (LARS)
TBV Marine Sys­tems / Launch and Recov­ery sys­tems (LARS)
TBV Marine Systems / Launch and Recovery systems (LARS)
TBV Marine Sys­tems / Launch and Recov­ery sys­tems (LARS)
TBV Marine Systems / Launch and Recovery systems (LARS)
TBV Marine Sys­tems / Launch and Recov­ery sys­tems (LARS)








Source: TBV Marine Systems

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