India To Deploy Missile Defense Shield In Delhi, Mumbai

India will soon deploy its anti- mis­sile defense shield in the nation­al cap­i­tal and in Mum­bai in the first phase, defense sources said Sun­day.

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“The shield will be able to inter­cept and destroy mid-air any incom­ing mis­sile of the ene­my coun­tries up to a range of 2,000 km. The Indi­an cap­i­tal and Mum­bai will get the shield in the first phase as the Defense Research and Devel­op­ment Organ­is­tion chose the two cities as these are vul­ner­a­ble to out­side mis­sile attack, ” they said. 

The out­stand­ing BMD sys­tem will require min­i­mum human inter­ven­tion due to the com­plete automa­tion of track­ing devices and counter-mea­sures. Human inter­ven­tion will be required only to abort the mis­sion, the sources said. 

India’s Cab­i­net Com­mit­tee on Secu­ri­ty will soon give its final approval before the shield is deployed in the two cities, the sources said. 

The sec­ond phase will see oth­er cities like east­ern India’s Kolkata and south­ern India’s Ban­galu­ru and Chen­nai get the shield, the sources added. 

India had suc­cess­ful­ly test­ed its anti-mis­sile defense shield ear­li­er and plans to increase its range up to 5,000 km by 2016. 


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