Indian Coastguard Inducts Griffon Hoverwork Hovercraft H‑187

The Indi­an Coast Guard com­mis­sioned the Hov­er­craft H‑187 into ser­vice at Okha in Gujarat.

Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

H‑187 is the first of a line of twelve Air Cush­ion Vehi­cles (ACVs) designed and built by Grif­fon Hov­er­work Lim­it­ed (GHL), UK. It is com­mand­ed by Com­man­dant Anurag Kaushik, who is a com­mu­ni­ca­tion spe­cial­ist. The hov­er­craft has a crew of two Offi­cers and 11 Enrolled Per­son­nel (EPs).

H‑187 was com­mis­sioned by Vice Admi­ral MP Muralid­ha­ran, AVSM, NM, the Direc­tor Gen­er­al Indi­an Coast Guard. 

Deputy Inspec­tor Gen­er­al BS Yadav, PTM, Com­man­der Coast Guard Region (North-West) and oth­er offi­cials from the Cen­tral and State Gov­ern­ment were also present at the induc­tion, accord­ing to a Coast Guard statement. 

The 21-meter long ACV dis­places 31 tonnes and can achieve a max­i­mum speed of 45 knots. The ACV can take on a vari­ety of roles includ­ing ‘sur­veil­lance, inter­dic­tion, search and res­cue and ren­der­ing assis­tance to small boats/craft in dis­tress at sea’, accord­ing to a state­ment issued today. 

The hov­er­craft will be under the ‘admin­is­tra­tive and oper­a­tional con­trol of the Com­man­der Coast Guard Region (North-West)’ and will be based at Okha. 


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