Project LAND 121 seeks to deliver a networked and integrated capability as a significant contribution to the modernisation of the land forces. The new vehicles represent a significant increase in capability, replacing multiple vehicle fleets that have been in service since the early 1980s.
Project LAND 121 is a multi-phase project delivering field vehicles, modules and trailers, as well as through life support, with greater versatility and lifespan than the assets currently in service. In enhancing this capability, Army will be providing the backbone of mobility systems for the future land force.
In total, LAND 121 seeks to deliver around 7,500 protected and unprotected vehicles across the range of light, lightweight, medium and heavy fleet segments, including current and future phases. In addition, each category will provide trailers to enhance payload-carrying capability and modules to enable specialist functions.
The Phase 3A lightweight and light capability will deliver eight mission system variants including a range of specialist modules such as canine, ambulance, surveillance and mobile command posts, and two trailer variants. Along with those vehicles being acquired by LAND 121 Phase 4, these vehicles and trailers will replace the current Land Rover 4x4 and 6x6 vehicle fleets which have been in use by the Australian Defence Force since the mid-1980s.
LAND 121 Phase 3B will acquire up to 2,695 medium and heavy vehicles along with associated modules and approximately 2,200 trailers. The Phase 3B fleet will include both protected vehicles (for operational deployment and tactical training) and unprotected vehicles (primarily for tactical training). This acquisition represents the entire protected and deployable medium and heavy requirement, and more than half of the unprotected tactical training requirement. These vehicles will enhance performance and protection, and the Army’s training and logistic support capability, by providing uniformity throughout the fleet. These vehicles will replace the current fleet of Unimog, Mack and S‑Liner trucks.
The Protected Mobility Vehicle (PMV) — Light capability, Phase 4, will provide a fleet of around 1300 PMVs and associated trailers for command, liaison, utility and reconnaissance roles. These vehicles will provide a protected replacement for around one third of the Land Rover fleet, affording increased force protection in operational environments.
Phase 5B is currently unapproved, but is planned to deliver the remaining unprotected medium and heavy vehicles for tactical training.
Overall, Project LAND 121 seeks to deliver a networked and integrated capability as a significant contribution to the modernisation of the land forces. Ongoing cooperation with a number of projects delivering Command, Control, Communication, Computing and Intelligence (C4I) and force protection solutions will see the delivery of vehicles with a generational advancement on current fleet technology.
Department of National Defence, Canada