Annual NATO conference to be held in Lithuania

From Feb­ru­ary 7 to 9 the annu­al NATO Train­ing Syn­chro­niza­tion Con­fer­ence will be organ­ised in Vil­nius by the NATO Supreme Allied Com­mand Trans­for­ma­tion (SACT). Over 200 rep­re­sen­ta­tives of NATO and part­ner coun­tries are expect­ed to take part in the con­fer­ence.

The Train­ing Syn­chro­niza­tion Con­fer­ence held in Lithua­nia will inte­grate four con­fer­ences on the allied exer­cise and war­fare train­ing: the NATO Train­ing and Exer­cise Plan­ning Con­fer­ence, the NATO Indi­vid­ual Train­ing and Edu­ca­tion Con­fer­ence, the meet­ing of the Steer­ing Group NATO Train­ing Group (SGNTG) and the NATO Edu­ca­tion Forum. 

The main atten­tion of the con­fer­ence will be focused on the align­ment and improve­ment of war­fare train­ing, edu­ca­tion and eval­u­a­tion pro­grammes in NATO and part­ner coun­tries which will enable a more effi­cient usage of resources for train­ing nation­al forces of the allies. An equal­ly impor­tant aim of the event is to gen­er­ate pro­pos­als regard­ing the restruc­tur­ing of mil­i­tary train­ing in the Alliance and enhanc­ing NATO com­mu­ni­ca­tion with nation­al mil­i­tary train­ing and edu­ca­tion centers. 

For the media:
On Feb­ru­ary 7 and 8 media rep­re­sen­ta­tives are invit­ed to observe the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny. After the cer­e­mo­ny a press con­fer­ence will be organ­ised from 08.30 to 08:50hrs with atten­dance of Lithuan­ian Chief of Defence Lt Gen Arvy­das Pocius, Supreme Allied Com­man­der Trans­for­ma­tion Gen Stephane Abriel (France) and Chief of SACT Staff Lt Gen Karl­heinz Viereck (Ger­many).

Media rep­re­sen­ta­tives will­ing to take part in the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny and the press con­fer­ence should inform in advance PAO for the Joint Head­quar­ters Capt Mar­ius Var­na at e‑mail or cell phone no 00370 6 86 35 407 

PAO of the Joint Head­quar­ters Capt Mar­ius Varna 

Min­istry of Nation­al Defense Repub­lic of Lithuania 

Face­book and/or on Twit­ter

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