Japan Coast Guard Orders ISE Explorer AUV

Inter­na­tion­al Sub­ma­rine Engi­neer­ing Ltd. is pleased to announce that the Japan Coast Guard (JCG) has placed an order for an Explor­er autonomous under­wa­ter vehi­cle (AUV). The vehi­cle will be used for marine search and recov­ery as well as sur­vey operations.

JCG Explor­er AUV 
Source: Inter­na­tion­al Sub­ma­rine Engi­neer­ing Ltd.
Click to enlarge

The JCG Explor­er will also be sup­plied with a light-weight self-artic­u­lat­ing ramp based launch and recov­ery sys­tem which will be installed on one of their ships. This will enable the Coast Guard to launch and recov­er their AUV in an ele­vat­ed Sea State. The launch and recov­ery ramp sys­tem is built by Haw­boldt Indus­tries of Chester, Nova Sco­tia.
ISE has part­nered with Fuka­da Sal­vage and Marine Works Co. Ltd. of Osa­ka for the pro­vi­sion of local oper­a­tions and main­te­nance sup­port for the JCG Explor­er AUV. ISE and Fuka­da Sal­vage have a long rela­tion­ship; ear­li­er in 2011 Fuka­da pur­chased an Explor­er AUV for their own sur­vey oper­a­tions.
ISE was formed in 1974 to design and build under­wa­ter vehi­cles. Based just out­side Van­cou­ver, Cana­da, ISE has deliv­ered more than 230 vehi­cle sys­tems and 400 robot­ic manip­u­la­tors to more than 20 coun­tries around the world.

The Explor­er fam­i­ly of AUVs was intro­duced in 2003 and fol­lows pre­vi­ous ISE AUVs includ­ing ARCS and The­seus. Explor­er is a mod­u­lar vehi­cle that can be con­fig­ured for com­mer­cial, sci­en­tif­ic or mil­i­tary cus­tomers. It can car­ry a wide range of sen­sors and has endurance options rang­ing from 12 to 85 hours. It has devel­oped a rep­u­ta­tion as a reli­able, sta­ble and flex­i­ble sen­sor plat­form and in total, ISE AUVs have com­plet­ed more than 120,000 kilo­me­tres of sur­veys.
For more infor­ma­tion con­tact: info@ise.bc.ca

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