Australian made radar latest weapon in Navy’s arsenal

THE HON. JASON CLARE MP Min­is­ter for Defence Materiel
Navy’s new anti-ship mis­sile defence radar sys­tem has been released for ini­tial oper­a­tional use after achiev­ing out­stand­ing results from the tri­al of the sys­tem off the coast of Aus­tralia and Hawaii.

The new mul­ti-phased array radar sys­tem has been installed on the Anzac-class frigate HMAS Perth. 

The radar iden­ti­fies, tracks and guides mis­siles to mul­ti­ple tar­gets at the same time. 

Min­is­ter for Defence Materiel Jason Clare inspect­ed the radar at work on-board HMAS Perth while it was con­duct­ing train­ing exer­cis­es off the coast of West­ern Australia. 

“This is the lat­est weapon in Navy’s arse­nal. It means our Anzac frigates will be a lot more capa­ble,” Mr Clare said. 

“At the moment our Anzac frigates can track and destroy one tar­get at a time. This new radar means they will now be able to track and destroy mul­ti­ple tar­gets at the same time. 

“This is also a great Aus­tralian suc­cess sto­ry. It’s cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy devel­oped right here in Aus­tralia by CEA Technologies.” 

Chief of Navy Vice Admi­ral Ray Grig­gs said HMAS Perth had just returned from test­ing the sys­tem on the Unit­ed States Navy Pacif­ic Mis­sile Range Facil­i­ty in Hawaii with tremen­dous results. 

“The tests proved that the new sys­tem can defend the ship from mod­ern cruise mis­sile attack. This is a sig­nif­i­cant enhance­ment for the Anzac-class frigates.” 

HMAS Perth is the lead ship in this project. Fol­low­ing the suc­cess­ful test­ing of the sys­tem on this ship, the Gov­ern­ment will soon make a deci­sion about upgrad­ing the oth­er sev­en Anzac-class frigates. 

Media con­tact: Kore­na Flana­gan – 02 6277 7620 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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