Australia — Navy opens $18 million training facility at HMAS Creswell

Par­lia­men­tary Sec­re­tary for Defence Sen­a­tor David Feeney wel­comed today’s open­ing of the Roy­al Aus­tralian Navy’s new $18 mil­lion train­ing facil­i­ty at HMAS Creswell, Jervis Bay.

The new dam­age-con­trol train­ing facil­i­ty will enable Navy per­son­nel to build their skills in respond­ing to tox­ic haz­ards, fire fight­ing and con­duct­ing emer­gency repairs afloat. 

Sen­a­tor Feeney said the site was one of the best Navy train­ing facil­i­ties in the world. 

“This $18 mil­lion sim­u­la­tor can repli­cate the most seri­ous cir­cum­stances which could occur while ships are at sea,” Sen­a­tor Feeney said. 

“This is pre­cise­ly why the Navy trains its peo­ple so thor­ough­ly and is pro­vid­ing out­stand­ing facil­i­ties. Sim­u­la­tors such as this one are a cost-effec­tive and smarter way of doing business.” 

Fed­er­al Mem­ber for Fras­er Andrew Leigh also wel­comed the investment. 

“Ships at sea can­not call on emer­gency ser­vices in the unlike­ly event that things go wrong. Sailors have to be pre­pared to deal with any num­ber of rare but poten­tial­ly haz­ardous sit­u­a­tions,” Mr Leigh said. 

“This $18 mil­lion facil­i­ty will be great for Jervis Bay and the Roy­al Aus­tralian Navy.” 

The new Dam­age Con­trol Train­ing Unit dif­fers from the old in that sim­u­lat­ed ship’s com­part­ments are hydrauli­cal­ly mount­ed to deliv­er the rolling motion ships expe­ri­ence at sea. Trainees now have to deal with ship move­ment while they fight fires or stem water flow in flood­ing compartments. 

The Roy­al Aus­tralian Navy School of Sur­viv­abil­i­ty and Ship Safe­ty is con­tained with­in HMAS Creswell at Jervis Bay. The new train­ing facil­i­ty is part of the $83.6 mil­lion HMAS Creswell rede­vel­op­ment project, which has also seen the refur­bish­ment and expan­sion of trainees’ accom­mo­da­tion and classrooms. 

It also includes a new phys­i­cal-fit­ness cen­tre pro­vid­ing an indoor swim­ming pool, car­dio fit­ness room, weights room and mul­ti-pur­pose hall. 

HMAS Creswell is the home of offi­cer train­ing in the Roy­al Aus­tralian Navy. 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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