Clarion Events hosts a military simulation conference and exhibition to bring senior military and industry personnel to cover the sim developments in the region

Sin­ga­pore, May 24 – Clar­i­on Events is host­ing Mil­i­tary Train­ing & Sim­u­la­tion Asia on 28–29 Sep­tem­ber 2011 in Sin­ga­pore. The con­fer­ence brings togeth­er the mil­i­tary sim­u­la­tion com­mu­ni­ty in Asia, fea­tur­ing top region­al mil­i­tary pre­sen­ters, who will be address­ing the lat­est sim­u­la­tion require­ments for Asian mil­i­taries.

Defence bud­gets are ris­ing and mod­erni­sa­tion options are broad­en­ing in the Asian mil­i­tary sim­u­la­tion mar­ket. Accord­ing to Amo Mostofi, Gen­er­al Man­ag­er, Asia at Clar­i­on Events “The focus of the event is to allow region­al mil­i­taries to edu­cate indus­try on their cur­rent and future require­ments and express their most press­ing chal­lenges. The pri­ma­ry objec­tive of Mil­i­tary Train­ing & Sim­u­la­tion Asia 2011 is about the edu­ca­tion and growth of the mil­sim com­mu­ni­ty from an Asian per­spec­tive.” He fur­ther added, “Sec­ond­ly, it will look at the future land­scape in mil­i­tary sim­u­la­tion encom­pass­ing the army, air force, navy and defence R&D estab­lish­ments of Asian militaries.”

The con­fer­ence will cov­er how region­al mil­i­taries are opti­mis­ing their increased bud­gets in the acqui­si­tion and imple­men­ta­tion of sim­u­la­tion and train­ing plat­forms and tech­nolo­gies. Morn­ing keynotes from mil­i­tary sim­u­la­tion sub­ject mat­ter experts will ‘set the scene’ for the rest of the con­fer­ence where tech­ni­cal, oper­a­tional and strate­gic pre­sen­ta­tions will be giv­en from indus­try, acad­e­mia and mil­i­tary. The organ­is­er, Clar­i­on Events, has devel­oped and researched con­fer­ence agen­da that makes this con­fer­ence the pre-emi­nent stag­ing ground for all top­ics cov­er­ing the mil­i­tary train­ing and sim­u­la­tion sec­tor in Asia. 

There are over 20+ con­firmed speak­ers. High­lights include: Group Cap­tain Thana­pant Raicharoen, Direc­tor of Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy, MINISTRY OF DEFENCE, THAILAND; Dr. Umut Durak, Chief of Mod­el­ling and Sim­u­la­tion Divi­sion, DEFENSE INDUSTRIES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, TURKEY and Dr. Tag Gon Kim, Head Sys­tems Mod­el­ling Sim­u­la­tion Lab, KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KAIST).

WHO: Mil­i­tary Train­ing & Sim­u­la­tion Asia 2011

WHEN: 28–29 Sep­tem­ber 2011

WHERE: Sin­ga­pore EXPO, Singapore

100 Free Places for Serv­ing Military

The first 100 serv­ing mil­i­tary per­son­nel of War­rant, Field Grade and Flag Offi­cer sta­tus free places at Mil­i­tary Train­ing & Sim­u­la­tion Asia 2011. Allo­ca­tion will be done on a first come first served basis. Reg­is­tra­tion by:


About Us:

Clar­i­on Events spe­cialise in high-lev­el defence and secu­ri­ty events which are cre­at­ed with the input of a pan­el of senior lev­el gov­ern­ment, mil­i­tary and indus­try advi­sors. Exten­sive research and dia­logue with these con­tacts ensure our events reflect the most impor­tant issues fac­ing you and the wider defence and secu­ri­ty com­mu­ni­ty today. By mak­ing it our pri­ma­ry mis­sion to work close­ly with the Asian defence com­mu­ni­ty, includ­ing all senior stake­hold­ers and lead­ers we are able to cre­ate the most effec­tive pro­grammes for the Asian mar­ket. Our events pro­vide the ide­al venue for these high lev­el del­e­gates to meet, share ideas, dis­cuss indus­try devel­op­ments, con­duct busi­ness, devel­op part­ner­ships and net­work for future growth.


Michael Fer­rer
Pro­duc­tion Lead – Defence & Secu­ri­ty Asia
Clar­i­on Events
T: +65 6590 3979 | M: +65 9777 6279
78 Shen­ton Way, #20–03 Sin­ga­pore 079120

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