(Tripoli, 29/30 November 2010)
We, Heads of State and Governments of Africa and the European Union, representing more than 1.5 billion citizens have gathered in Tripoli on 29 – 30 November 2010 determined to seize together new opportunities for broader and mutually beneficial initiatives.
The Partnership between Africa and the European Union is one of the most enduring global relationships and is of strategic significance to both sides. We will continue the work launched at the Cairo Summit in 2000 and Lisbon Summit in 2007, where we decided to put our relations on a new, equal and strategic level. We confirm the Joint Africa –EU Strategy as the framework for our future cooperation and adopt the Action Plan 2011 – 13 as our new commitment to the realisation of this Partnership.
With many states celebrating fifty years of independence, Africa is more than ever on the eve of a fundamental evolution offering new opportunities and perspectives towards enhanced integration and improved sustainable development, within the framework of the African Union that aspires for a united, peaceful and prosperous continent. At the same time, the Treaty of Lisbon marks a new phase for the European Union. Both developments further enhance and strengthen the Africa –EU partnership.
Since we met 3 years ago, the world has undergone an accelerated process of globalisation and faced an unprecedented financial and economic crisis. This requires our Partnership to be more responsive and to take an increasing part in the reform of the global governance system, including availing wider opportunity for Africa and the EU to be fairly represented. Our partnership should guide the transformations the world needs: tackle the effects of climate change, conflict prevention, good governance, achieve a sustainable energy market including investment particularly in renewable energy resources, develop infrastructure, provide food security, achieve the Millennium Development Goals, combat HIV/AIDS, address the realities and challenges of migration and its links to development, as well as to promote gender equality. We step-up our joint efforts especially in encouraging investment growth, creating employment and work for the young generations entering the labour market, notably in Africa.
Spreading the success of entrepreneurship, we are committed to promoting the private sector as a key driver of inclusive and sustainable economic growth and an important actor in providing for more equal and balanced development. To flourish, this private investment needs, a transparent and well–governed business environment, partnerships with the public sector, better productivity, social protection of workers both in formal and informal economies, together with reinforced efforts of education and technology transfer
in order to promote a knowledge based Society. We recognize the equally important dimension of regional integration for growth and development and commit to conclude Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) that support socio-economic development, regional integration and the integration of Africa into the global economy.
Mindful of the additional efforts needed to reach the Millennium Development Goals in Africa by 2015, we will reinvigorate our concerted efforts to address all MDG targets, taking account of those countries and targets most off track and paying particular attention to the most vulnerable and marginalised people. We consider that all available financing for development, both domestic and external, traditional as well as innovative, need to support sustainable economic growth and employment in Africa which are key for achieving the MDGs.
2010 being the African year of peace and security, we attach utmost importance to all efforts of conflict prevention, reconciliation, justice and post conflict reconstruction and development for the sake of people undergoing conflict. As the international community marks the 10th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325, both sides and stressed the role of women in efforts to achieve sustainable peace and security. Peace and security remain a cornerstone of our cooperation. We are committed to making the African Peace and Security Architecture fully operational in close collaboration with the regional organizations. As regards AU lead Peace operations, it was agreed to work towards ensuring flexible, predictable and sustainable funding.
We will continue our concerted efforts to bring the Somali conflict to an end, to stabilize the internal situation and to promote timely post-conflict reconstruction and development efforts. To these ends, we will continue working together in support of a strengthened AMISOM, as well as of the Somali Security Forces, extending support to the TFG in the framework of a reinvigorated comprehensive political strategy. On Sudan, we emphasise the urgency and importance of ensuring that all elements of the CPA, including those concerning Abyei, South Kordofan and Blue Nile, are implemented in a timely, peaceful and credible manner, in particular the referendum on South Sudan whose results should be accepted by all. Furthermore, we encourage all parties to progress with the post referendum issues. In this context, we welcome the leadership of the AU in close cooperation with the UN as well as the support provided by the AUHIP led by President Mbeki, and by IGAD. We welcome in particular the progress made and agreements reached on the framework regarding outstanding CPA issues.
Our cooperation will continue to build on our common values and goals in pursuit of good governance, democracy and the rule of law. We firmly condemn all unconstitutional changes of governments which, alongside bad governance, are one of the main causes of instability. We are united in the fight against impunity at national and international level and the protection of human rights on both continents. We emphasize the need to strengthen national legal systems and the international cooperation in the pursuit of justice, peace and reconciliation, including the prosecution of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community, taking into cognizance the positions of the African and the European Union. We condemn all forms of terrorism and will cooperate closely in addressing this international threat and its various sources of financing. We also condemn intolerance in all its forms and will address this phenomenon as well as cooperate closely, including in the UN, in addressing trans-national threats of, inter-alia, piracy, dumping of toxic waste, organized crime and illegal trafficking, including human trafficking. We jointly agree to address Maritime security challenges of particular concern to both continents including pollution of seas and oceans.
Africa and the EU will work together to ensure more effective participation and improved cooperation in international bodies, including the United Nations General Assembly, and the G20. We will further strengthen our high level political dialogue aiming at a better coordinated approach and joint positions in international negotiations. We emphasize the importance of an effective multilateralism and reaffirm our determination to ensure that multilateral institutions are the main fora for international cooperation on peace and security, human rights and democracy and on global governance. In this context, we recognize the need to pursue the reform of the main UN bodies with a view to making the overall UN system more effective and transparent and which should be reflective of the substantial changes the international community and UN membership have undergone.
We welcome the results of the numerous side-events which have contributed to the success of this Summit and which demonstrate the dynamics of our Strategic Partnership and the effective involvement of a broad range of stakeholders. We also take careful note of recommendations from these events.
We positively note that the EU accounts for more than a half of global ODA and reaffirms its commitment to increasing its aid spending to reach the collective target of 0.7% of Gross National Income by 2015. We also welcome, based on the average flow of EU ODA for Africa per year, both by Member States and the EU, and following existing commitments for the period of the next three years, that more than € 50 billion of ODA will be made available to support the overall objective of this Partnership.
We express our gratitude to the Leader of the Revolution and people of the Great Socialist Peoples’ Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the care, hospitality and attention extended to the participants of this Summit.
We decide to reconvene in Brussels in 2013.
Council of the European Union