Press statement of the 3rd joint consultative meeting between the Au PSC and the EU PSC
Brussels, 18 October 2010
(1) The Political and Security Committee of the European Union and the Peace and Security Council of the African Union held their 3rd Joint Consultative Meeting in Brussels.
(2) They discussed the issues of Conflict Prevention and Crisis Situations, where they called on the Sudanese parties to remain committed to and implement the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and to make progress regarding the conduct of the referenda in Abyei and South Sudan. Both sides emphasised the importance of these processes being credible and timely and stressed that the negotiations on the postreferendum arrangements should be pursued in good faith. They encouraged cooperation between their respective electoral observation missions for the referenda and to work together on the post referendum issues. Both sides called on the parties to respect the outcome of the referenda. An inclusive settlement on Darfur in Doha and other processes such as the Darfur ‑Darfur-Dialogue needs to be reached without any further delay and unhindered access for humanitarian aid needs to be guaranteed. Both sides reconfirmed their common resolve to fight impunity and encouraged all efforts to bring peace, reconciliation and justice to Darfur, pledging their full support to the work and the efforts of the AU High Level Implementation Panel for Sudan.
(3) Both sides welcomed the appointment of the AU High Representative for Somalia and looked forward to the relocation of civilian components of AU and UN to Mogadishu. The meeting agreed to urgently follow up on the outcome of the 245th meeting of the AU PSC held on 15 October 2010 and concurred in calling upon the Somali political leadership to improve the functioning of the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) and advance political dialogue through an inclusive process. They underscored the importance of strengthening AMISOM and of the building up of Somali security forces alongside a reinvigorated political approach within the framework of the Djibouti process. In this context, they welcomed the contribution of the EU Training Mission. They agreed to seek increased engagement with the regions of Somaliland and Puntland within the framework of the Transitional Federal Institutions.
(4) On the issue of Maritime Safety and Security (MSS), both sides welcomed African efforts in coming up with regional solutions to counter piracy and look forward to the setting up of a continental framework for an integrated MSS Strategy for Africa in line with the conclusions of the workshop on maritime security and safety held in Addis Ababa in April 2010. They welcomed in particular the initiative of the second regional ministerial meeting on piracy and maritime security in the Eastern and Southern Africa-Indian Ocean region. On Somalia, both sides agreed to explore ways to step up coherence in efforts of maritime safety and security on sea and to stabilize Somalia on shore.
(5) Regarding the Peace and Security Partnership both sides welcomed the progress made in the elaboration of the Action Plan 2011–13 under the Joint Africa — EU Strategy. They stressed the need to reinforce co-operation in crisis management and peace-building, in close co-ordination with the UN, also recalling the UNSC resolution 1325 on the role of women in peace and security. To this effect, they welcomed the efforts made by the AU and Regional Economic Communities to prepare a forward-looking roadmap for the operationalisation of the African Peace and Security Architecture, as well as the ongoing first AU-organised AMANI Africa exercise.
(6) Both sides agreed on the importance of a strengthened AU-EU coordination in situations of security and governance crises. Concerned by the growing transnational challenges such as terrorism, organized crime and trafficking of all kind, including insecurity in the Sahel region, they agreed on the need to assist the efforts of the countries in the region within the framework of a concerted and comprehensive strategic approach. The AU and the EU further stressed the importance of the second presidential round in Guinea scheduled for 24 October 2010 and agreed to cooperate as regards their respective electoral observation missions. Regarding Madagascar, both sides reaffirmed their support to the AU mediation, called for a more inclusive and consensual dialogue and for a rapid return to the constitutional order.
(7) Finally, both sides agreed to improve their working methods, notably in view of establishing regular contacts between both Chairs of the EU and AU PSC. In the context of unconstitutional changes of government, they underlined the importance of enhancing the effectiveness of International Contact Groups as well as of examining the possibility of joint EU-AU declarations/demarches and of coordination concerning the implementation of sanctions.
(8) Both sides agreed to meet again in Addis Ababa in 2011.
Council of the European Union